1. You may not be as good as you think, but you may not be as bad as they think you are.
I thought I was a good editor and then I met an editor who eats, sleeps and breathes adobe premier.
I also thought I didn't know as much about sports compared to my coworkers, however, I do know quite a bit. Real recognizes real.
If you lose your confidence it shows in literally everything you do in the professional world, whether it is your wardrobe or your professional presentations.
3. Commit 100 Percent into EVERYTHING
Yes, that includes the espresso you make and the lunch you get for your boss.
4. Only care about what your boss thinks
If he has a problem with you, you have a problem....a big problem. Try to be proactive and fix it before it gets out of hand.
However, if your coworker has a personal opinion about you, tell them thank you and move on about your day.
5. Trust is the end all be all
You know the rambling you've been doing....running around in circles trying to explain yourself....STOP! You sound like you are making excuses and that does you no favors in the trust department. #Sketchy #Shady
6. Join organizations
Not just because your boss is telling you, but as an investment for yourself and the company you work for. Networking. Networking. Networking. Don't just be a 'board member', do more, be active, and be a part of a committee. Everything you do is an investment into your future and your company's reputation.
7. Stop taking things personal
Ladies and gents, no one is out to get you unless you're in broadcast....lets just pray for them. haha
But seriously, if there is one thing I have learned, it is to stop taking things personally. If I would have learned that at Ramar Communications, I would have saved myself from numerous panic attacks. I am pretty sure I aged ten years there during my three year stint.
8. What balance?
There is no secret formula to business and personal life. You have to figure that out before you get frustrated at your boss when it is your fault for not making the boundaries necessary for you to successfully operate.
9. If you think you are working hard, work harder
Are you giving 100 percent every day? If the work environment is relaxed, that does not mean you should take advantage of that benefit. Trust me, I use to do that without even realizing it, sorry, Paul. :) Being punctual for everything, even the start of the day creates a routine and improves your own evaluation. If you need to stay late for a pressing deadline, stay late. Kick it up another notch!
10. Document everything
If you are questioned about something you were responsible for, make sure you document correspondents that could later verify your explanation. Credibility works wonders. It sucks, but you must watch your own back, no one will do that for you.
11. Take the next step, don't find the solution
I have taken jobs to get out of my current position, because I was unhappy. Did that fix the problem? No. Are there problems at each place of employment? Yes. Are you going to fix that person that drives you nuts? No, and there is going to be someone like that at every work place. So take the next opportunity as the next step in your career to better yourself professionally, not as a solution to your current problem.
12. Be the student
I have a ton of pride which gets in the way at times. It is okay to ask for help and to learn from other professionals. YOU and I. DO. NOT. KNOW. EVERYTHING.
13. Be the teacher
I went to a conference the other day and the speaker said back in the day a leader was in front of the team and was considered a leader by their title, their pay and their responsibilities. Today, that is different. Seniority is not the end all be all. If you have experience in that particular situation like reporting, sports information and marketing, speak up dang it!
14. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
If you have lost it within your team, look at yourself first. Is it the way you are communicating? Is it the way you have allowed your coworkers or your boss to communicate with you? How can you change the dialogue? Because trust me you can not change that person or make them respect you.
15. Let it go
If you are right, fine. Do you want a trophy? It is not going to happen. DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING FROM ANYONE. Just because you might tell someone, hey great job, does not mean they will do the same for you, so LET IT GO.
16. Be Proactive
If there is a problem/situation or you messed up (people make mistakes) be proactive and take responsibility. Be honest and try to put the fire out before it turns into a wildfire and your own seat is hot.
Simply put: Sometimes you have to put on your favorite heels, red lipstick and take on the day. Fake it until you make it and be fierce while doing so!
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