New developments
I have been blessed with two great roommates - Marlon and Jenna. Honestly, some of the best roommates I have ever had. We are able to talk about rent options, and be mature adults while doing so. I would live in my house by myself if I had a choice, but LP&L would literally rob me penniless, so that is not an option. Luckily, I have good friends living in mi casa, and they are extremely helpful.
My house is coming together nicely. There are only two "to do" priorities left to finish, one of which is redoing my entire laundry room. The tile underneath the rug is asbestos. Yes, I know I should have looked for that in the home inspection. My yard is beautiful and green with all the rain, and I have managed to keep my flowers alive for two months now, so that is a plus.
I am still working on living a healthy lifestyle and becoming more flexible. I use to dance, and now I can barely touch my toes, so I have been stretching, and performing some yoga poses to lengthen those muscles. I am also drinking hot lemon water every morning and night to boost my metabolism and use it as a detox. That is slowly, but surely starting to make a difference.
I have fluctuated long enough, and I am sick and tired of it. I know I keep saying that, but if I stick to a healthy lifestyle, not just a "diet," I will be more successful. I am making progress though. I have realized some reasons why my weight loss has been an ongoing factor, and hopefully this might help you if you are going through the same thing. Don't get me wrong, I am not in bad shape, but I could always be better.
1. I expect all or nothing
2. I'm impatient
3. I find motivation in people or events instead of doing it for myself
Like weddings, holidays or men
4. I miss my favorite food
Two words - Indian food.
5. The support system
People telling me I can't do it, motivates me. People trying to break my diet for their own benefits like going out to a fast food joint or a bar and peer pressuring me to break it.
6. Derailing events
If I have a bad day or if something happens that bothers me, I go straight back to unhealthy eating.
7. Lazy days
I don't want to cook, because I had a busy day.
8. Telling people about my diet
Being too vocal about it.
9. Making a big deal out of it
Obsessing over being healthy.
10. Using it has a burden
11. Excuses
Like traveling or wanting to try that specific kind of food or drink.
I am mending fences with old friends, and I'm very grateful. I have forgotten how trivial the dramatic events that expired in my life where meaningless and emotionally exhausting. Hopefully, I can continue on that path with two other individuals I would like to feel comfortable being around again. Don't you hate worrying about running into a particular person, because the air is full of tension? I hate feeling uncomfortable or unwelcome.
It is going smooth. The meditating has helped keep my anxiety at bay. We have submitted the 1970 Tornado Show for Inside Texas for an EMMY NOMINATION. Hopefully, we get that nom and if we win, I can add EMMY WINNER to my resume. That would be extraordinary. Thanks to the people I work with, I have become a stronger producer and editor. A year ago today, I would not think I would be capable of producing stories of this quality, not because I didn't believe in myself, but because I was so use to the news format of production.
Future points
I am still trying to figure out when I am going to open the wine bar. It will happen, I can promise that, but it will be early next summer or in a couple years. I will be selling my house by next summer, if any one of you are interested? :) I still have big dreams of working in Seattle or Sacramento, however, instead of being an ESPN sports anchor, I would like to be a production manager or produce 30 for 30 films. I like being able to tell someone's entire story, instead of a five minute highlight reel. And with the work I have been doing it is like an art form, and a way to express creativity through different angles and soundbites.
Until next time, enjoy your summer! If you have blog topics you would like me to write about , please add them to the comments below. Thank you for reading! Also, I have added some new music below.
Another new development - my hairdo. (Getting rid of the dark hair and enjoying some bangs.)
Summer jams I am listening to.
Basically, anything from Ed Sheeran's new album.
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